Electronic components are often classified as being either active or passive, differing in the functions that they perform. While active components are capable of injecting power into a circuit and may manage current, passive components either consume or store energy. Passive components are useful for influencing the flow of electricity, often capable of resisting flow, storing energy, and producing inductance. In this blog, we will discuss some of the primary types of passive components, allowing you to better understand common electronic devices and their functionalities.

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Though industrial computers contain similar parts to desktop computers, their functional purpose deploys power far superseding that of a conventional system. Engineered for their distinct computing capabilities, industrial computers are frequently utilized in harsh industrial environments ranging from factory automation implementation to mining, and various jobs where dust and debris are a regular occurrence. When choosing to integrate an industrial computer within your system of operations, one should always consider using robust computer hardware and enclosures capable of withstanding harsh temperatures, vibrations, outside contaminants, and other often uncontrollable circumstances. When determining your next selection of industrial computer hardware, understanding your Industrial PC, its intended functions, and staying up to date on any modernized pieces can ensure your machinery is capable of functioning as optimally as possible.

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Semiconductors are an extremely common component for digital products, often being found in smartphones, televisions, digital cameras, home appliances, temperature sensors, transistors, and much more. A semiconductor is a type of material that features a conductivity level between a conductor and insulator, and their resistivity will often be altered by the doping of crystal structures or changes in temperatures. As a basic building block of countless electronic devices and integrated circuits, having a general understanding of their design, types, and uses can be very beneficial.

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Motors and drives are two equipment pieces that are quite common to industrial machinery, ensuring that such assemblies are given the proper force and power needed for conducting operations. While motors and drives are often used in unison for the functionality of various machinery, each serves a distinct role. In this blog, we will discuss the difference between a motor and a drive, allowing you to better understand their unique functionalities and applications.

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An electrical switch is any device used to interrupt the flow of electronics in a circuit. They are essentially binary devices, meaning they are either completely on/closed or completely off/open. The simplest switches are those in which two electrical conductors are brought in contact with each other by the motion of an actuating mechanism. Other are more complex, containing electronic circuits that are able to turn on or off depending on some form of physical stimulus. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most common types of switches.

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